There has been heaps of talk about Julia Gillard, what she wears, who she dates, what gender she is, and her views on children, family, God and same sex marriage. I've gone through heaps of stuff. You see I really like that she's a women and I love that we give that attention. Far too much time is spent by middle age white men telling us that it is not important; but of course it is.
It's the first time a woman has held the top job. The first time a woman can now call the shots for this great country. My honest opinion is that we should give women 120 years to have a go at managing Australia and see if they can do a better job than the men who have gone before her. Only then can we say we were completely balanced, equal and fair in our representation in public office. Of course this means that we need to get better at equality from within the government as well, not just the top job.
I love that she's a woman. I love that she has red hair. I love that she is a Welsh Migrant. These things I really love. But if I could have one other small request, it would be that she was lesbian as well.
I believe that gay rights are one of the largest human rights issues in the world today. We've dealt with the fact that we were arseholes to women, to slaves, to different races and are now acting to improve the quality of life for these people. Where there is a complete lack of action is in the area of gay rights in this country and in the 42 Commonwealth nations that still outlaw this 'way of life'. We need to be forward thinking in this area because in a hundred years time our great grandchildren will learn about our prejudice and hate for minority groups and won't be able to understand or believe the amount of bigotry that happens today. And we don't want that, we want them to think we are cool and changed things to what makes logical humane sense, now and forever.
But anyways, Julia. She reckons she isn't going to change her view on same sex marriage, an important part of treating homosexuals as legitimate citizens, that's ok Julia. When you decide to be a lesbian, we'll talk again.
Read this article, completely rad.
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