Monday, August 2, 2010

Enjoying. Your. Self.

As I get older I find I enjoy my own company a lot more. When I was insecure and immature I used to fear being alone more than anything. I would find vacant pockets in my day and quickly fill them with catch ups and friend time. Once a friend said to me that she enjoys travelling alone and exploring by herself. Nothing used to terrify me more. Now I savour them and protect my moments alone. Being alone is wonderful. Free to feel and think as you please. Free to sit and just be. I love taking the time out to be alone and what is starting to scare me is that I just love it more and more.

I once did my Myer's Briggs profile to find out I'm an ENFP. According to the report this means I am 'spontaneous, enthusiastic, optimistic, innovative and people-centred. I value relationships and intimacy and need to know that they are making a difference in the lives of people and in the world.' I would agree with this. I have loved having relationships with partners and friends and love spending time with people. But these days my favourite time is when I'm home by myself just hanging out with me.

What I find interesting is the report on ENFPs say that my midlife (ages 35-55) tell me that my 'introverted sensing will develop. The outgoing, idealistic personality of the ENFP will continue throughout adulthood, but now their attention turns to the inner world of reality, facts, details and sensory experience. They will seek more quiet time and will focus more on health issues and on practical activities. Many ENFPs at this time will become involved in activities such as art, craft, massage, meditation, natural healing, gardening, housework, sport or dancing. Some ENFPs will become interested in writing to share what they have learned about life with others. Some become advocates for disadvantaged people. ENFPs at midlife will be more comfortable living with reality and will often find they enjoy their own company.'

I feel like I fast forwarded my development to 35. That makes me 10 years older than I am because most of what is suppose to happen is happening right now. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not.

What I do know for sure is that I love this video my dear friend sent me a lot. I really love it. I think we can learn a lot from spending time by ourselves. Take 4 minutes and watch it, it's perfect.

1 comment:

  1. I love this post, I love it a lot. What I love even more is being half of a friendship that's close enough to witness each other's dev and growth. To trust that even though we're both moving on, we're not growing fact we're growing closer.
    I love this post because I know how honest it is. Thank-you for your beautiful and honest post gorgeous boy. X
